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Collapsible text is great for longer section titles and descriptions. It gives people access to all the info they need, while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, or set your text box to expand on click. Write your text here...


Who is eligible? Do you have children 12 or above who are passionate about understanding the world, its cultures, and its history?  Are you yourself a life long learner with eclectic taste? Do you have an acute eye for style? If so, you could become a Beta Reader.

What would you be expected to do? It's simple. You would review our next edition of Magnify and provide critical and thoughtful feedback via a standardized anonymous survey and brief informational interview for areas to improve.


Do you have children 12 or above who are passionate about understanding the world, its cultures, and its history? 


Or are you yourself a life long learner with eclectic taste?


We're looking for curious minds to preview our upcoming Magnify books and provide valuable feedback. Be a part of our journey to redefine deep learning.


As a Beta Reader you would be expected to review our most recent edition of Magnify each month and provide critical and thoughtful feedback for areas to improve. 

Become a Magnify Beta Reader

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Your privacy is important to us. We'll never share your details, and this is a no-cost, no-obligation opportunity. We're simply looking for genuine feedback from passionate learners like you.

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